How to view your digital assets inside your wallet (MetaMask and Coinbase)

If you elected to use your own wallet during the NFT claim process, there may be additional steps required to get your NFT to show up. Even though the transfer of the NFT was completed successfully, most wallets require additional steps to actually see the NFT inside your wallet app.

Before following the steps below, ensure that the NFT was successfully transferred to your wallet by checking for a Transfer Confirmation email in your inbox. Alternatively, you can check PolygonScan or Etherscan and type in your wallet address to see if the transaction was successful.

Viewing NFTs on MetaMask

If you are using MetaMask, you will need to download the mobile app in order to view NFTs. If the NFT is on Ethereum, the NFT should automatically show up under the NFT tab in your wallet. If the NFT is on Polygon, you will then need to set up Polygon as a network. To set up Polygon go to the top of the app where it shows the current network ("Ethereum" by default) and click on the drop down arrow.

Then click on “add network”. From here fill in the following fields with the below text:

Network Name: Polygon


Chain ID: 137

Currency Symbol: MATIC

Block Explorer URL:

When finished, hit “Save”. Then make sure Polygon is now selected as your Network at the top of MetaMask

Once you are on Polygon’s network, navigate to the “NFTs” tab and select “import NFTs” at the bottom.

You will then need to fill in the “Address” and “ID” of the NFT you purchased to complete the import process.

To find these two values, visit the NFT listing on OpenSea that you purchased and select “Details” on the left hand side. Make sure you own the NFT by verifying you are listed as one of the owners under the NFT name.

The collection address will be used to fill in the “Address” section in MetaMask

The Token ID will be used to fill in the “ID” section in MetaMask

Alternatively, you can just find the “Address” and “ID” in the browser address. The first long number will be the address and the second number after the slash is the ID.

Once you fill in both the Address and ID hit “import” and the NFT should now be visible in your wallet.

Viewing NFTs on Coinbase

If you are using Coinbase, NFTs minted on Ethereum will show up automatically under the NFTs section. This can take a few days to update so don’t be surprised if the NFT does not show up right away.

If the NFT was minted on Polygon, you will need to change your network to Polygon before being able to view it. To change the network to polygon, navigate to “Settings” and select “Active Networks”. Then select “Polygon Mainnet”

Once you enable Polygon, the NFT should now show under the NFTs section. As a reminder, it can take a few days for the NFT to show up in your wallet due to indexing times.

Viewing NFTs on other wallets

If you are using a third party wallet other than the ones listed above, please contact their wallet support team if additional help is needed. Overflo does not have access to these platforms and cannot provide any additional support. Many wallet providers do not support Polygon, so if the NFT is not showing up, you may need to export into a supported wallet like MetaMask.